This article is reprinted from The Consulting Journal

Techniques: Are you listening?

by David Blakey

Listening may be a natural attribute of some people, but with most of us it is a skill that has to be learned.

[Thursday 21 June 2001]

Consultants need to understand large amounts of information in order to assist their clients. While much information may be available in documents, some information is likely to be given to them in meetings with their clients. Consultants need to be good listeners.

To be a good listener, you have to be able to put aside your role as an expert. Actually, the more of an expert you are, the more likely you are to be able to put it aside and just sit and listen to what you're being told. Let me explain why.

When it comes to listening, older consultants are likely to be better. They are less likely to feel a need to impress their clients with their own knowledge and experience. They are often more likely to give their clients due credit for success, even when this success has been achieved without their help.

Not all of this has to do with age. It just happens to be exhibited by experienced consultants. The main reasons for it are a consultant's experience and seniority.

The younger consultants in a consulting firm tend to have little real practical experience and little seniority within the firm. They mainly earn less money than their clients. This is an important consideration, because it is one of reasons why younger consultants feel that they have to prove themselves.

Older consultants usually make more money than their clients. If they didn't, they would move out of consulting and back into mainstream management. They don't feel a need to prove themselves to anyone, except by results.

They certainly do not feel a need to prove themselves during client interviews.

My tips

So, here are some tips if you're new to consulting.With these points in mind, and the ability to ask intelligent questions when extra information is needed, you can become a seasoned, professional consultant. And you will certainly look like one.

The opinions expressed are solely those of the author.

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